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Natural remedies to eliminate cellulite


Updated: May 22, 2024

How to eliminate cellulite - it IS possible!

My clients always ask me how, at my age, I have no cellulite. Our bodies are a miraculous creation. They always have our best interest in mind and will do anything it takes to keep us alive! Ironically, this is actually what any disease or condition is trying to tell us - “Hey, I am processing something here for you to look at!” It is your body finding a way, to keep the vital organs functioning, so you can live. How cool is that? So how does cellulite play into this message our bodies are telling us?

The science behind cellulite (which is a harmless disease/condition that poses no threat to the physical body)

All disease occurring in the body stems from acidosis and lack of proper oxygen. Acidosis and lack of oxygen occur in the body as a result of many factors. These factors can include stress, toxins, pathogens, drugs and alcohol, certain foods, a sedentary lifestyle, and a bevy of many other things that are readily available to our culture and lifestyle. Cellulite is subcutaneous fat that lives directly under the skin, which has been distorted by acidosis and lack of oxygen. Cellulite is actually a very common condition that 93 percent of women have, regardless of weight or body type. And around 30-40 percent of men experience cellulite. Why do more women have cellulite? There are various reasons for this, one being that women, in general, have weaker connective tissue and larger fat cells, which makes it easier for cellulite to accumulate.

As a part of my healing journey, I have found five key practices that reduce and/or eliminate cellulite naturally. No lasers, no chemicals, no surgery.

I am one of the rare exceptions of a body that has not experienced any cellulite. I believe it is due to the health and wellness strategies I have implemented since my mid-twenties. If not for that, I probably would have cellulite now that I am into my mid-forties. For me, I have found that a lifestyle full of fresh, raw, and organic foods are the most beneficial in supporting the body. Raw fruits and vegetables are full of living water, minerals, and enzymes. This is what the body thrives on and will assist your body in its well-being. Below are some of the key strategies that have assisted me along my journey and will specifically target that cellulite.

1.) Massage is a great way to bring oxygen and blood flow back to these distorted areas. Self-massage can be done daily after a shower or bath.

2.) Dry skin brushing daily. This is best done before a shower or bath. Always gentle brush towards the heart.

3.) Hot/cold plunges. This can be simply done in the shower. 3-7 rounds.

4.) Daily exercise, specifically using a mini trampoline for rebounding. The great thing about rebounding is that it works your entire body and every cell as you jump. There is no need to target any one area because the entire body Is targeted! Rebounding is an isometric exercise, an exercise that tones the body. As you jump on the trampoline, certain cells resist the g force as the angle of your body changes, and your organs lift while the connective tissue gets stronger. This movement helps tone muscles, and strengthen collagen and firm skin.

5.) Most importantly though, is addressing the main culprits, which are the things you are eating (or avoid eating).

When healing the body, it takes dedicated commitment. Even one small thing done on a regular, consistent basis, will gradually assist the body in coming into balance. Results will vary for each individual. Know that when you take care of the body, the body will lovingly respond in time.

If you are interested in learning more and would like to get rid of cellulite for good I invite you to explore my transformational health and wellness sessions.

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